Portland, July 2024 – Or, Five Go Mad in Dorset

Sports Diver trips hit different. We don’t need no education – we’re already happy to smash a drift, go into deco, get pizza and do it all again the next day. Let’s introduce the Famous Five: Thibault, Dive Manager, proud inventor of the Delayed Surface Marker Baguette (actually a regular DSMB with a French flag attached – same thing); Dan, … Read More

Swanage – July 2023

This was a different dive trip. A low-pressure system over Ireland brought heavy winds to theChannel coast. Laura’s WhatsApp messages grew ever more ominous as the weekend drew nearer:probably no Percy, maybe no shore diving, and only hopefully some diving at all. Laura and Nathan explored possible shore diving sites on the rain-soaked Friday. The winds hadn’t yet reached their … Read More

Weymouth and Portland, April 2023

Being convinced to go on the trip at the very last minute, there wasn’t much time for me to be prepared for what a dive trip over the long bank holiday weekend encompassed. One thing was for sure: there would be a lot of diving. We arrived in Weymouth in the late evening and to two wonderful haven caravans. We … Read More

Swanage May 2022

Swanage was my first club dive trip since my long awaited Ocean Diver qualification, which was prolonged by a year and half due to the lockdowns. I got my gear ready weeks in advance, excited for my first UK dive. Alex picked me up and we headed out to Dorset on one of the sunniest weekends of the year. Whilst … Read More

West Bay trip report – April 2022

Our trip to West Bay started for me with a road trip Friday afternoon with Nathan Piper in the club Land Rover to pick up the RIB boat from the depot. Leaving London around lunchtime and arriving in West Bay late afternoon.  West Bay is a quaint little British fishing village with a modern dose of tourism. Consisting of a … Read More

St Abbs Trip Report

I’ve stated my interest on this trip ever since it was announced during the dive meeting sometime last year. And, after the drudgery of the recent lock-down due to the pandemic and a recent bereavement in my family, this trip was the shot in the arm that I really needed to acquire some sort of relief and feeling of normality. … Read More

Lundy Trip Report

In mid-July, a group of seven divers from BSAC London No.1 set off for north-west Devon, the first trip of an interrupted season for many of us. We were headed for Lundy, a small island off the coast of North Devon, where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Bristol Channel. We were lucky enough to have beautiful weather throughout the trip, … Read More

Coronavirus update – a message from our Chairman

Hi All,  You’ve heard the news. The time has come to change our behaviour to protect ourselves and others. We think there’s nothing better than diving, and if you are not able to dive, we encourage you to enjoy the outdoors and do some other exercise while you can. However, we recognise that as a Club, we need to stop some … Read More

Isle of Man trip report

Each year the DO asks members where they’d like to dive the following season. Last year the most exciting suggestion was to go to the Isle of Man. Unsurprisingly this came from former Manx resident Laura who, surprisingly, had never dived there before. I was delighted to try to organise it, partly because I’d never been to the island before … Read More

Falmouth Dive Trip – Spring Bank Holiday 2019 by Aeron Yucoco

Having done six practice dives at Stoney over the May Day Bank Holiday, and managing to sort out most of my diving gremlins, I was allowed the privilege to tag along the dive trip to Falmouth over the Spring Bank Holiday. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Alex Marshall and Nathan Piper who worked tirelessly and patiently … Read More