Solo Diving? by Chris Askew

Solo Diving? BSAC says no! BSAC is not just a club, they are the SCUBA diving sports official governing body in the UK and they have decided that diving solo is not safe, and yet there are now several other training agencies that will train you to be self reliant on a dive and another one who will even train … Read More

Sipadan, Borneo, from Roberta

At the end of March I combined two of my great passions: traveling and scuba diving. While on a whirlwind of vacation in South East Asia I followed advice from a Malaysian scuba diver friend who insisted the best place to dive in the world was at Sipadan, off Borneo. Sipadan was formed by living corals growing on top of … Read More

Trainee Dive Leader does Plymouth

Organising and running a dive trip is very satisfying. In one way it allows you to go to areas you want to visit and put the emphasis on the dives that you want to do, but even more rewarding is knowing that you are providing an opportunity for others to share in the sport you love. As part of my … Read More

New Site Launch – now you can contribute

We have put this new site together in a way that makes it easier for club members to keep it up to date. We hope that dive marshals will be able to add trips reports, blogs and photos and the site can be a key port of call for members to find out what’s going on, book trips and get … Read More

2016 kick-off: rescue weekend in Portland

With Easter early this year, the season started even earlier – the DO keen to ensure his high standard of safety were achieved for the rest of the season had us all down in Portland on the 11th March ready to practice rescuing one another! The conditions above the water were near perfect as we headed out of the harbour … Read More