In the middle of June, I joined the club for the first time to go diving in Weymouth. To me, it was a bit
of miracle that the trip worked out, because I had only recently joined the club (think five days ago),
the only equipment I owned were a mask and fins and I had no mode of transportation.
But in my first chat with Alex, he invited to join the trip last minute and after two years of not being
in the water, I was dying to go diving again.
Miraculously everything seemed to fall into or maybe the dedication of out lovely club members
made everything fall into place and sorted my equipment, a lift and a bed to sleep in for me. So, a
few days later I got to escape London to go diving in Weymouth.
Our first day of diving consisted of three dives off of Chesil Beach, two dives during the day and one
very exciting night dive. Our diving group was made out of Alex, Nathan, Becca, Rich, Chris, Declan,
Peter and me and even though the weather forecast had been a bit shy, it was beautiful when we
actually got to the shore.
Nathan and I were buddies on the first day and here comes a shout out to Nathan for putting up with
me on my first dive. After two years of not diving, there was a lot of fussing about before we actually
got to enjoy our dive, but once we did it was amazing.
The visibility was great and we saw loads of crabs, some lobsters and luckily some cuttlefish. The
others even saw an octopus, but we won’t be talking about that.
The night dive was incredible. It was only my second night dive ever, but I’m pretty convinced that I
would still make this call if it was my hundredth. We saw a big cuttlefish on the hunt and some
smaller ones hopping about. At one point, a big conger swam past us and so many crayfish and
lobsters were out and about. The bioluminescence alone would have been enough to impress me,
but all of the life together really took it home.

After falling into bed quite exhausted, the second day of diving kicked off early, but dedicated to
make up for it. The second day were boat dives, so we got to enjoy a lovely boat ride along the
rugged south coast of England and a lunch in a dreamy bay with sunshine.
The only thing that surpassed the sights on the surface, were the sights underwater. My buddy for
the second day was Declan and we hit it off with a wreck dive of the Black Hawk together with Alex.
We saw loads of fish and life, massive sea hares and huge variety of nudie branks. It was one of those
dives where you got cold, but you don’t tell anyone because you don’t want the dive to end.
The second dive of the day was a drift dive. My first drift dive! The dive was at Lul Worth Banks and
while I was a little nervous beforehand, the nerves quickly turned into awe once we got underwater
and into the drift.
Nathan and Alex used the dive to collect scallops and, lucky me, shared some with me so I could take
them home afterwards. And even luckier me, shared some tips on how to clean and prepare them.
Alex Nathan Ellie